You send us your receipts and invoices

You send us your invoices and receipts monthly. Everything is sent digitally – already digital documents are sent as they are, while paper documents you can scan with a scanner or your smartphone.

We update your accounts

We update your accounts in the web-based accounting system Fortnox. We report back to you after each month’s accounts are up-to-date. You have your own login to Fortnox and can always access your financials.

We keep your deadlines

You take care of invoicing your clients and your own payments to suppliers, the rest is handled by us. We do your bookkeeping, close your books at the end of the year, make your annual report, and submit your various tax returns to Skatteverket (VAT, salaries, income tax etc).

Fixed fees - all included

You pay a fixed monthly fee where all our services are included. We let you know if we see things that we need to discuss with you. All consulting included – if you have questions you can call us, email us, Skype us or come by for a visit.

How we work

We make your bookkeeping and your taxes to our responsibility. We only work with small companies, and all our clients are equally important. We are collectively responsible for all our clients – no need to wait until “your consultant” is in the office.

The Accounts Blog

On our blog Accounts (get it?) we write articles of the “how stuff works” type, and about news in the accounting and tax area. Every now and then we write about developments in the accounting business and what goes on in our own company.

The blog is so far only or mostly in Swedish. However, we try to write in plain language and make the content accessible to the normal business owner. In the comments our readers ask follow-up questions and discuss. Our most commented blog post in English right now is How stuff works: Fåmansbolagsreglerna with 22 comments.

To the blog
fredag 13 januari 2023

Place of employment

The Swedish concept of a tax-related place of employment ("tjänsteställe") has been around for quite some time, but it got more news coverage during the Corona pandemic and starting 2023 has become even more important for any company with employees. What does "place of employment" mean, why ...

Skrivet av Mikael Green
måndag 21 november 2022

Christmas Gifts and Christmas Parties in 2022

'Tis that time of year again, and we wonder what companies in Sweden can pay for in terms of Christmas gifts and Christmas parties. See the end of the post for a brief description of the concepts "tax-deductible", "employee" etc. Christmas gifts for employees These rules have been around ...

Skrivet av Mikael Green

An estimate of how many A4 sheets of paper we have saved so far by working digitally. Less hassle for you, and better for the environment.